
I love water! Most of all to dive into.. And than find out what an amazing world there is beneath the surface.. It is like with ‘Finding Nemo’, the fish and other sea creatures are actually living beneath the surface. There are the most amazing colors in the coral.. There are all kinds of different plants you can enjoy..

But that’s not the only moment I love water.. I also love to ride alongside the water.. In the Netherlands there are a lot of places you can do this.. It always feels as if the time on my bike goes much faster, when I can see and smell the water.. And last but certainly nog least there are these amazing beach walks and that is what I did today.. The feeling of your feet in the sand, shells and water.. The smell of the salt and the wind in your hair..

I always feel if I’m on holiday when I  find myself in or next to the water.. And I hope this feeling last..

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