Royal Park live..

Yesterday I was at the concert in Royal Park, Soestdijk palace.. I loved the ambience and atmosphere.. There were a lot of food trucks so you could have your own pick nick in the park.. So we did with the four of us..

Mat nine the concert started.. We were right in front of the stage.. And I found out Damien Rice is a real artist.. Good songs and really funny on stage.. How he made a whole show of his songs and made contact with his public was amazing.. I don’t listen to his music that often so there were a lot of new songs for me.. But I also recognized some of the songs..

Although he is a really good singer, writer and guitar player I didn’t know what My thoughts of the concert were afterwards.. But I had a nice ride home on my bike, so 45 minutes, where I could think about it. What was it that I wasn’t extremely enthusiastic.. And now I know.. I like clean music, straight forward.. And Damien Rice is Irish.. And they do have a rough edge..

But altogether it was a really nice evening spent with friends with really nice music!!

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