Great adventures..

I’m such a lucky girl.. This weekend my best friend came to visit me and of course we went biking.. And as always when we’re together it is one big adventure.. It started with the bike renting, there was a really nice polish guy who couldn’t believe we wanted to rent a road bike.. The conservation kind of went like.. We: “We would like to rent a bike.” He, “what kind of bike?”. We, “a road bike”. He, “What kind of bike”, as if he couldn’t believe us.. We were pretty sure we wanted to rent a road bike, so we answered, “a road bike”. You won’t believe what he said.. “Are you sure?” Are we sure we want to rent a road bike? Of course we are sure.. Otherwise we wouldn’t be at a bike rental.. But in the end we got the bike and on Sunday morning we started our tour.

We turned not even three corners when during the shifting the derailleur just broke and landed in her spokes.. So happy it happend just on the start and not while riding down a hill..  I would not have enjoyed scraping her of the asphalt.. So we headed back to the bike rental were, of course, they weren’t to happy.. And luckely we got a new bike and finaly could start our bikeride.. Which was really nice.. We climbed a bit, I even got 25% of the strava climbing chalange, and stopped at the most amazing market in Felanitx. There were a lot of stalls who sold originally Mallorcan products.. But also those who sold touristic Mallorcan products.. Like 100 times the same bamboo fruit basket.. But we found real Mallorcan cheese.. Next to that we  bought some more ingredients for our lunch and had a really nice picknick next to our bikes.. It is really nice to enjoy the Island like this and bike and be a tourist at the same time.. That’s possible here.

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