Sa Colobra..

Sa Colobra.. The first thing one of my fellow bikers asked was.. Does that mean cobra? And yes ‘Sa Colobra’ is the cobra.. What a bike ride..

This story has to be personal.. Because this was one of the last rides I did and it was an adventure.. We started this day in Selva.. We did the climb at Lluc.. I did it once before when I was guiding a group of Irish girls.. It was an amazing experience to help these girls up.. But today I had to talk myself to the top.. And I wanted to be quicker as the last time.. My luck, one of bikers was quite a bit faster than me.. So I had someone to bike up to..

So the climb at Lluc.. Well this is a nice warm up for the next climb I thought.. But no way.. Because once up on that mountain it was cold.. So cold.. Once the temperature started dropping below 10 degrees celsius I stopped looking.. But it was cold.. And even when I climbed the next to kilometers I didn’t get warm.. At least not my feet..

And than it started.. The long way down Sa Colobra.. With the stunning views.. But I really didn’t enjoy it.. All those hairpin corners.. The steep parts.. I was scared.. Scared to nearly crying.. Till I stopped and thought.. The hell with this climb.. I don’t wanna go down anymore.. I enjoyed the view and took a picture.. And looked over the edge.. Only 4 corners left.. I had to do it.. I had to go down.. Had to finish this last kilometer.. Once down everybody cheered.. And got on their bikes..

The long way up started.. And the going down it was worth the climb.. But next time I’m taking the ferry from Soller!!

And what I heard.. If you do it in less than an hour your good.. So I tried.. I tried really hard to beat myself.. And Paul, the fast one.. And I did pretty good.. One hour and 49 seconds..

I can’t wait till the next time I’m in the mountains.. Challenging myself.. For now I’m gonna enjoy the headwinds in the Netherlands.. Which is a pretty good practice for all those climbs waiting for me!!

And wanna know what going down was like.. This video gives a pretty good impression..


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