Every day one hour -> Elke dag een uur..

Every day hour! That’s the challenge Leon de Kort (a Dutch cycling journalist) started Christmas day 2013. December the month of nice dinners. Candy for ‘Sinterklaas’ and enjoying the holidays. A month I’m not looking forward to because I love the family time, but unfortunately these family times  come with a lot of nice food. So that’s why one wish on my list for hour surprise nice was the book Leon de Kort wrote about his adventure. And today I started in the book. And started the adventure of 365 days of cycling..

Because I’m over 30 and those holiday kilos don’t disappear as they used to. I have still some kilos left from my holiday on Crete last year, with all the nice food. And this year in Spain it was even worse (or the food was just better!!) But it is time to become my fit self again. Because those jeans are getting tighter. And not only about being in a fit body, but also the quietness and rest in my head and the joy the cycling brings me! The time on my bike eases my mind. I can get my thoughts together. It makes me happy to be outside, see the sun and feel the wind in my hair. And the rain sometimes, though I don’t love that.

So than 365 days. But what about that rain. Or when I’m sick. Or just started my new job. Or when I have been diving the whole day. Or… Yes everyday! O.k. not when I’m sick, than I can take my rest. But otherwise I just have to go. It doesn’t matter which bike I take. My road bike is the love of my live, but maybe sometimes I can go on my mountainbike or just my citybike. Take a detour on my way to a friends house or biking to see my sweet nephews.

So today, for the first time, I took a ride on my new mountainbike. And it was amazing. Tomorrow I will fit in an hour of biking. And the day after tomorrow. And during my time on the bike I will visit nice spots in the Netherlands and tell you about it.

Writing it down like this makes it really official. And next Thursday I will tell you how it goes. The start of my one year of cycling. Every day one hour!!

And if you wanna join me? Let me know!

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