Getting up..

The first thing everyone told me when I started mountainbiking was: ‘You are gonna fall!!’ And I? I just didn’t want to believe it. I’m really careful, don’t go to fast, look at the path before me. But well, even I had to experience it. I fell, careful me went to the side of the path to let another biker pass and I just didn’t see the hole. So my frontwheel just stopped and I got stuck between the saddle and steer of my bike. The only was left for me to do, let me fall to the side. And I did, but than the most importend thing happened. You are in the middle of a forest, so not much else to do. I got up, mount my bike and just go, bike again. The adrenaline shot through my body, my legs where shaking, my hands to. But it was ok, after around 10 minutes I got relaxed again. I started to trust myself and my bike again. And as we went on I felt secure again and even was looking forward to my next ride.

As I found out the next day, not today. Because of the blow and falling down I did had a bit muscle ache in my neck. But now only a bruise left and maybe my ego is a bit hurt. But anyone can live with that. And I, I’m looking forward to my next ride on the mountainbike!

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