
And than your back in the Netherlands and you’re back in Autumn or even winter again. Rain, hail, clouds and frost. It was quite a shock after the nice feelings of spring on Mallorca. But even when it’s raining you just go outside, because when you’re cycling everyday the weather really doesn’t matter. You just have to look for the right clothing. And when you even biked in the winter, yes this year I made quite some winter miles, than a little bit of warmth, no rain and you see a happy girl on her bike! (Not that I was not happy in winter..)

Because it is amazing to spent one hour of everyday outside, to explore on your bike. You’re used to so many kinds of weather that everyday that it’s not raining, is a good day. A day you extend your one hour ride to two or even more. And everyday one hour gives you the motivation to just go, any kind of weather, no excuses. It makes you though and it makes you strong. And it makes you feel good when you come back home.

I love how the weather doesn’t effect my challenge, how I just motivate myself and didn’t miss a day yet.

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