Friendship on a bike..

Cycling everyday hasn’t come easy, but I did made it till now.. And that has not only to do with me, but with the amazing people I met when riding my bike.

There are the guys of the cycling club that I can join every Tuesday and Thursday night. It makes it easy to go, you know when you’re not feeling well you can just tag along. And in one of my last blogs I told you guys how good and comfy I am in being dragged.

But also the friends I already had, when you cycle together you get a different connection. You bond in a way you normally wouldn’t. It’s like really getting the best out of each other, challenging each other.

And than the new friends you make, people that challenge you, people that appreciate you, people that make you feel good about your cycling and yourself.


I met so many people the last couple of years through cycling. And I love the way they support me. Just two weeks ago I was sick in bed, and when your in bed you can’t cycle. There were five of my old and new cycling friends that send me a text message, asking me if I was ok, because they hadn’t see me on Strava de last couple of days. It is nice to feel that people are supporting you and keeping track of your progress. People who care about you being ok. People who, after a ride or two, become your friends. Friendship on a bike, or the friendship that comes with a bike!

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