Impressions of my first week..

Wow what a week.. It’s been so busy with working, settling in and biking that I haven’t had the time to shout out loud how great it is!!

Because it is great.. First of all the work, I love it. The Discover Scuba Dive’s (DSD’s), the check dive’s, my first Open Water Course and just everything that comes with working at a dive school.. My colleagues are really nice and they help me a lot with everything that has to be done. And they really threw me into the deep end.. And that is a good thing, I don’t have time to think to much, just have to do what has to be done.. No time for little insecurities.. Just get your compass and navigate, give the guest a nice tour of the dive site..

The work itself still feels like a holiday, it is six days of hard work but you work out in the sun and in the water. So it doesn’t really feel like work, specially the after work beer everyday at the neighbors an English pub.. I hope I can hold on to this feeling just a little bit longer.. Because who wouldn’t want their job to feel like a holiday!

And than the Island, I love it. The people are very nice, and help me with my Spanish, which is not very good. And I can bike.. How I love that I’ve brought my bike.. I can travel all around the Island and discover beautiful places.. And this Island it is made for cyclists like me! The people who ride their cars on the same road are really considerate. Keep their distance.. It truly is a cycling Island.. And on my bike I found some beautiful places already.. Last week I went to Manacor and found a really nice church in Sant Llorenc des Cardassar.. And this week I cycled to Arta and the monastery of Betlem and the castle of Capdepiera.. Both beautifull places..

And for my house.. I’m pretty much settling in.. I live with a really nice man, Goffe.. And he speaks Dutch.. And it is really nice to come home and not to be alone.. I cook everyday (at nine o clock :-)) and sleep like a baby..

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