Palma de Mallorca..

You can’t leave Mallorca if you have not visited the main city, Palma the Mallorca. Even if you just want to stroll around there is one thing you certainly must do, and that is visiting the cathedral.. This is one of the most impressive cathedrals I’ve ever seen.

Features of the interior design are from Antoni Gaudi and renowned contemporary artist Miguel Barcelo. Gaudi was in charge of the rebuilding of the altar at the start of the 20th century. The change that is most eye catching is the canopy on the altar.

There are really beautiful chapels around the nave of the church, the. Each with it’s own character and beauty. One of them Barcelo did the design of, the St. Peters chapel, with the most beautiful ceramic of the fish and bread story.

If you are standing in the center of the church and you turn around you can see all the stained glass windows. Each picture more beautiful than the other. And the colors are amazing.

And in the front there is te the oculus maior (or great eye). This is the largest gothic rose in the world and it is impressive with it’s 1115 panes of glass. If you come early in the morning you can see the stunning effect of the light and shapes reflected on the west wall of the church. For the best effect come on the 2 februari or the 11 november at 8.30 in the morning to see the reflection of the rose just below that of the other.

If you visited the cathedral in the morning it is just a short walk to the harbor where you can take a nice stroll, enjoy the sun and watch boats coming in and out. The sea here has also the nicest color bleu and just have a coffee or a beer on one of the terraces and enjoy. After a short rest you can start your walk on the promenade alongside the beautiful sea, if you look back you have the most amazing view on the Bellver castle, perched on a hill overlooking the city.

But not only the looks on it are amazing, you can also visit the castle, not only is it a splendid castle but if you climb up you have the most amazing views of Palma and the bay of Palma.

Next to this there are also some amazing musea you can visit or just enjoy the shopping.

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