My sick-card..

Only after four weeks I had to use it. There was one excuse for not cycling my hour and that is when I get sick. And even when I’m feeling horrible, like today, I still find it hard to use the sick-card. I didn’t want to use this escape, I don’t get sick. I want to get out on my bike, just because it makes me happy. Of maybe because I made the commitment. And when I want to do something, I just go for it, just do it. So today not doing it, even though I couldn’t make it up the stairs, made me feel horrible. I find it hard to take my rest, just do nothing for a change. Relax and just enjoy. I love riding on my bike, it relaxes my mind, but when I can’t physically workout my mind makes over hours. Funny how that works. I’m already worrying about tomorrow. Not cycling again. What about my challenge than, if I give up so easy. But maybe that’s my challenge too. Not thinking I’m giving  up just because I can’t bike for one, two or maybe three days. Just picking up the pace when I’m better. Taking good care of myself. So enjoy Netflix and snuggle up in a blanket in front of the tv. And when I start eating again, I can start biking again..

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