When a challenge becomes a challenge. That’s now! The evenings are getting longer, but are still short. 5 o clock and it’s dark. And 1,5 week ago I started my new job. And now I’m working till 4 ‘o Clock two days a week. And that means home between 4.30 and 5. I do like […]
My sick-card..

Only after four weeks I had to use it. There was one excuse for not cycling my hour and that is when I get sick. And even when I’m feeling horrible, like today, I still find it hard to use the sick-card. I didn’t want to use this escape, I don’t get sick. I want […]
Tourist in my own country..

The day I’m leaving is coming awfully close.. Tomorrow actually.. And since I wanted to have a proper goodbye with all of my friends I have been meeting them this last week and a half.. And because it is really nice to do and see nice things together I visited some nice tourist spots here in […]
Stil momentje..

Gisteravond toen ik van het station naar huis fietste kon ik het niet laten even te stoppen en te genieten van dit mooie plaatje. Na een avond vol van duiken en bijkletsen met mijn mede IDC kandidaten, stond ik hier nog even stil te genieten van een van de mooiste plekjes an Amersfoort.