The shortest route is not always the easiest way..

I want to explore. The best thing about cycling is discovering new roads and places. Because I don’t know every way I use the routeplanner of the ‘fietsersbond’ (cycling union). The best part about this routeplanner is that you have so many different options. You can plan a round trip, or a route from one place to another. You can say you want to bike through nature, that you want of don’t want to take gravel roads and if you are taking your normal or road bike. This is how I found some amazing rides through ‘de Veluwe’ a forrest rich ridge of hills in the province Gelderland. You find these amazing forrest roads but also heath, some small lakes and Europe’s largest sand drifts. It is amazing how different the landscape is.

And than you can also plan a route with shortcuts. I found out that’s something you maybe don’t wanna do or if you don’t mind to find a tree or another roadblock on the road you do need to take these shortcuts.

So the routeplanner is just an amazing tool to discover new places, I would really suggest you use it!

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